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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Adebayor yang JAHAT

  • Aku benci Adebayor...selamber dia jer pijak muka Van Persie tanpa dihadiahkan Red Card oleh Reff yang jahanam tu...pas tu dia sengaja plak meraikan jaringan di hadapan penyokong Arsenal...lain kali aku nak ajar penyokong tu buat LASTIK buat melastik pemain poyo macam beruk tu...aku bukan fan Arsenal...tapi aku memang tak suka Adebayor..berita seterusnya.....

Arsenal forward Robin van Persie accused former strike partner Emmanuel Adebayor of a "mindless and malicious stamp" during Manchester City's 4-2 win over the London club at Eastlands Saturday.

"I am sad and disappointed by...Adebayor's mindless and malicious stamp on me..." the Netherlands striker said in a statement on Arsenal's official website ( after the match.

"We are both professional footballers and I know that the game is physical, I too have made hard and sometimes mistimed challenges but never with the intention of hurting an opponent.

"He set out to hurt me today. He has shown a real lack of class," the 26-year-old added.

Speaking to Sky Sports after the match Adebayor said there was no intent on his part to hurt his opponent and that any contact had been accidental.

"I did not have time to take back my feet," the Togo international said. "Because I was trying to kick the ball my feet touched his head. At the end of the game I told him I'm very sorry."

Adebayor also apologised for running the length of the pitch to celebrate in front of the visiting Arsenal fans the goal he scored in City's victory.

That earned him a booking and he told Sky Sports: "I shouldn't have done what I did but the emotion took over me and I'm sorry for what I've done."

(Reporting by Tom Pilcher, Editing by Dave Thompson)

  • Vide0 Adebayor sengaja pijak muka Van Persie....ada dendam kot kat Arsenal dulu..

Video Adebayor sengaja pijak Van Persie


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